I am eager to utilize my experience as an educator and background at the State Capital to advocate for our town governments, boards of education, and most importantly the great citizens of this special part of Connecticut we call home.

I am excited to be running for House of Representatives in the region of our state that I call home. I am a life-long resident of Columbia where I grew up in our family home that my father and grandfather, immigrants from Sweden, built using hand-cut stone. Having traveled internationally and briefly living in other parts of our country, I have always been drawn back to Northeastern Connecticut.

I am running for State Representative because of my strong ties to the towns in the 8th District. My experience in public education has allowed me to see firsthand how the quality of education directly influences the lives of students and families and its impact on our local communities and broader society.

I earned a bachelor’s degree in business administration and a master’s degree in special education from the University of Connecticut and earned my teaching certificate in social studies from Eastern Connecticut State University.

I recently retired from teaching history with an emphasis on civics and government. I have served on Columbia's Planning and Zoning Commission and the Financial Planning & Allocation Commission. I am currently an Alternate on the Zoning Board of Appeals.